Friday, October 23, 2009

First Congress Update!

With the first day down at the All American Quarter Horse Congress for Ohio and Pennsylvania cowgirls and cowboys, the first barrel proved to be as elusive as always and the ground as slick as usual for this show.
The sweepstakes was difficult to watch at points when great horses and riders like Kelly Pitts and Stevie Young went down in painful fashion turning barrels. Still others struggled to turn the first barrel at all, as the monster run from the alleyway to the first made it tougher than most other pens.
Brett Monroe won the barrel race, and special congrats to West Sunbury, Pennsylvania's 13-year-old Shana Simmons for placing 3rd!


  1. Wow I had no idea Shanna was that young. I LOVE, LOVE her horse. I watched the first go from my pc at home and text my hubby to tell him about this really nice horse I saw run...and it was hers! He has such a pretty and smooth style. LOVE that horse!

  2. This year was my first time running at Quarter Horse Congress and it was a blast! I am one of the many who fell going around my first barrel on thursday the footing was really slick! But my mare ended up okay and we were able to place in my youth pole class saturaday so now im just waiting on my jacket and to run next year!!
